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Showing posts from January, 2023

Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice and the AMA

I have been working at CHAS Health, a community clinic serving Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho for a little over 3 years now. This is a different experience for me than my prior 35 years of practice for many reasons. CHAS originally started as a small clinic associated with a homeless shelter and provided mainly care of people without health insurance. It has expanded, but it still serves primarily people with various kinds of barriers to getting health care. CHAS provides support for people who are at risk of losing their homes and who have trouble paying copays. We are happy to take care of people with drug and alcohol problems, people who have just gotten out of prison, people who have trouble following recommendations from health care providers and may have been "fired" from other practices. We also see people who don't have any of these challenges, but just happen to like us. We are set up to make it possible for all sorts of people to navigate the very fragmen