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How can we start coming up with new therapies that actually save money?

In the United States, biomedical research, including basic science and clinical studies, is paid for mainly by companies that expect to make money off of new discoveries. The government, through the National Institute of Health (NIH) funds a little over a quarter of it, but most of the money comes from drug and device manufacturers.

This means that interesting research that might result in breakthroughs that save patients money is unlikely to find funding. This is terrible. If gummy bears cured cancer, we might never find out about it. If anything that is easy to come by, from various sources, were to show promise therapeutically, we as US citizens would not be likely to find out about it through our own research.

Some examples:

1. Red yeast rice, a dietary supplement made of rice fermented with the fungus Monascus purpureus in a centuries old process, contains a widely marketed cholesterol medication (lovastatin) that is naturally produced by Monascus. The doses are high enough to reduce cholesterol significantly. The best study of this product was done in China, with an extract of the yeast rice, and showed that it reduced bad heart outcomes more than did lovastatin in clinical trials here. The FDA has banned red yeast rice periodically (though it is now easy to find online) saying that it could be dangerous. For awhile, the only red yeast rice products that could be sold in the US were ones which either didn't mention how much active ingredient they contained, or contained little to none of it. Now that we can buy it again, it is unclear which brands actually work to reduce cholesterol.

2. Aspirin, which was first widely adopted for treatment of pain and fever in the late 1800s, was found in the 1970's to be very effective for treating and preventing disorders due to blood clots, particularly heart attack and stroke. I wondered how, since this drug was widely available at a very low price, research had been done in the US to show how effective it was. It turns out that the groundbreaking work was done in Britain, where most research is funded by the government (which would stand to gain, along with patients, from discovering an inexpensive approach to a common problem.) To be fair, in the 1970's research in the US was much more often paid for by the government, so the aspirin research probably could have been done here.

3. Corticosteroids (prednisone and others) are widely available and inexpensive medications which reduce inflammation. They have various side effects and so are used sparingly in most situations. It turns out that, when used along with antibiotics in severe community acquired pneumonia, they make people improve faster and die less frequently. A review of 13 randomized controlled trials came out in the Annals of Internal Medicine earlier this month. Dr. Reed Siemieniuk was the first author. He and his coauthors are from Canada and Europe and the vast majority of the articles reviewed were done in Europe. Studies like this don't happen in the US because drug companies have no incentive to fund them. Full color, full page ads or TV infomercials will not tout the importance of this discovery, so it will be a little more difficult than it might be to change the habits of US physicians to incorporate this life and money saving approach.

4. Nicotinamide, also known as vitamin B3, a derivative of niacin, was just reported to reduce pre-cancerous skin spots, known as actinic keratoses. These are the little scaly spots that happen on the arms, heads and faces of aging people who have spent time in the sun. It also appears that topical nicotinamide may do the same thing, as well as reducing wrinkles and other signs of aging. This vitamin is available widely and costs pennies a pill. How could such research have been done, since this discovery will likely decrease the amount of money spent on other expensive treatments and prescription potions for this problem? It was done in Australia, funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council. Nicotinamide, though it is related to Niacin, does not cause flushing and does not reduce cholesterol levels, though it has reversed symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in an experimental mouse model.

What can we do in the US to re-purpose our considerable intellectual resources and vast research machinery away from increasingly complex and costly new technology and toward elegant and ingenious cost-saving approaches? In the big picture, we could figure out a way to move money that will likely be spent on useless or overly expensive healthcare toward research that leads to lower consumption of resources. The NIH in the US is the organization that can fund non-biased research, and is perfectly suited to doing so. Money spent on cost-saving technology will pay for itself many times over.

Drs. Arthur Kellermann and Nihar Desai, from Bethesda and Yale respectively, discuss in a recent JAMA article several specific recommendations from RAND health, a think-tank charged with improving global health and reducing costs. These include creating a public-interest investment group to fund good projects, giving cash prizes to inventors, buying out patents to allow reasonable pricing and reducing unnecessary regulatory hurdles. They conclude:
"Realigning incentives to encourage inventors and their investors to develop cost-lowering products could transform technology, which is currently one of the most potent drivers of health care spending in the United States, into a powerful creator of value. Once that is done, ingenuity will take care of the rest."


Unknown said…
Your research into these matters is outstanding.
In Florida, we all have to pay a yearly fee to the "Neurological Injury Compensation Association" to compensate for children injured during birth. Why not take the pharmaceutical companies out of direct contact with researchers but have them all pay a yearly research fee which goes into a single pool that is directed by a panel of mentors that would include representatives from NIH, CMS, ACP, etc or something like that....
I certainly have no influence being an internal medicine physician currently on sabbatical, but do you submit your material to more public venues? As Bernie Sanders says, as silly as it may sound to some people, we need a 'revolution' when it comes to healthcare. There are so many things wrong with the system but we have such great potential to create an innovative and impressive system, but the people need to be behind the push for change and people like you need to be heard by more.
Janice Boughton said…
Thanks! I agree. We need to be looking at these issues with clear eyes, and be thinking of solutions that not only improve things but lead to organic changes which improve other things, an avalanche of better medicine!

Some of my blogs are picked up by, also the ACP Internist, and some become popular because influential people post them to their 2000 best friends. Like you, I'm just an internist, but I figured I better write about this stuff because not enough people were doing that. I'm not particularly good at making my blogs go viral, but if they start somebody thinking who starts somebody else thinking, that's probably good enough.

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